Assynt has some of the most spectacular mountain and coastal scenery in Scotland.
There is plenty to explore within a short distance from the cottage. No matter what your age or ability, there are drives, walks, cycles and climbs for everyone.
Wherever you are in Assynt, keep your eyes open for wildlife. The area is home to a wide variety of wildlife, many less common elsewhere, as well as being a regular migration site for many species. Nearby Handa Island is a stunning wildlife reserve, with dramatic cliff views and 100,000 seabirds to watch in the breeding season, including the adorable puffins !
The peace and quiet is often an attraction to visitors, but there are villages and communities nearby, many offering a welcome and range of attractions and places to stop and see.
If you prefer to take it easy, you can just sit and watch the scenery and the weather from the garden bench with a cuppa, or maybe just wander down to the lighthouse along the road.